Sunday, May 17, 2015

What I Learned in the United Kingdom

  • No one in London knows who Electro Velvet is. 
  • Electro Velvet is representing the UK at Eurovision next week. Brits have a complicated relationship with Eurovision. Most Brits could care less about the Contest. Then, a few days before the final, they suddenly get very interested and throw a surge of energy and support towards whomever is their representative. It's not without good reason that they ignore Eurovision for 99% of the year: Britain isn't very popular at the Contest. In the past fifteen years, they have come last three times; in 2003, Jemini actually received zero points from the voters. So it makes sense that the UK would ignore something it's not very good at.
  • After work, every single person in London stands outside of a pub and gets drunk.
  • The food is amazing, contrary to popular belief. Obviously, since London is a capital of the world, and attracts people from all over the globe, the cuisine in London is varied, and most of it is very good. We ate Italian, Portuguese, and lots of take-away sandwiches from markets and small cafes. 
  • I got a sunburn in London. I'm sorry to all my friends in Chicago who are still stuck with rain and chilly temperatures. 
  • There are no water fountains anywhere in Europe.

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